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Get pumped for GNChurch's first ever VBS in the summer of 2019. VBS is a great opportunity for our children to learn about the Bible and the story of Jesus Christ through games, crafts, small group lessons and more. Sign up below.

VBS, Good News Church, Powell, Ohio, church, kids

THEME: ROAR! Life is wild. God is good.

6-8pm, Sunday, June 9th - Wednesday, June 12th

Good News Church (478 W. Olentangy St, Powell, OH)

This free event is open to potty trained children ages 3 years old to 5th grade (exception made for kids with special needs).

vbs signup

Buddies are available for children with special needs. A buddy is a person in 6th grade or above that will accompany your child to all of the activities, helping as needed to ensure they have a positive experience. 


If you would like your child with special needs to have a buddy, check the following circle:

media release

Recreations Outlet will be utilized during your child's time at VBS.  If you do not have a release form already on file with Good News Kids, please print and fill out this release form, then bring it with you the first night of VBS.  

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