family connections
Family Connections
Each week our kids learn some amazing Bible stories and truths about God's word. They play games and do various activities that help them apply the stories and truths to their lives. Coming to church and learning these principles is very important, but the learning can't stop there. In Deuteronomy 6:5-9 we are commanded to not only love God, but also be diligent in teaching our children to love Him. It reads, "Take to heart these words that I give you today. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you're at home or away, when you lie down or get up." My hope is that this Family Connections page provides you with support and tools to continue the learning at home.
To access a resource for home please:
1. Click on your child's age group below
3. This will open pdfs of the entire months Bible stories that you can save, print or take a screen shot off.
On the right side of the odd numbered pages you'll find: a summary of the story, the units key passage (our memory verse), a Big Picture Question & Answer (the units main idea), family discussion starters and family activity ideas. Feel free to utilize the games/puzzles and coloring pages too!